Mitchell Bobby Gaskin’s first professional album, titled Simply Beautiful To Me, is a group of songs to make people want to dance and think of love between a man and a woman.

Mitchell Bobby Gaskin started singing as a hobby. He realizes his type voice was missing from the music industry and he decided to begin singing professionally.

Mitchell hopes God will bless his work and he will become successfully singer in the music industry. Also, he currently has over 23,554 listeners and have won many of fans in a lots of countries USA, Canada, Mexico, South America, Japan, Hong Chong ,Spain, UK (England), Australia, Italy, Germany, and Jamaica on Radio Air Play on the playlist of major artist play stations. Lately, his songs (Simply Beautiful To Me, Beautiful Just Way You Are, Sometimes Life Is Cruel and When I Have My Honey) have won many Music Badges from Modern Beats during the months of September thru as recently December 2015.

In the month of December his songs “Simply Beautiful To Me” (1) and “When I Have My Honey” (3) won total 4 Music Badges, with just 4 submissions in the month of December 2015. In years of 2015-2017 four songs by Mitchell Bobby Gaskin, from the “Simply Beautiful To Me” cd’s (“Simply Beautiful To Me”, “Beautiful Just The Way You Are”, “Sometimes Life Is Cruel” and “When I Have My Honey”) had been selected on the Modern Beat (Songs Submit) by A&R from Major Records Labels and Publishing Companies. His songs is on the songs selected lists of Modern Beats with two or more songs, that was selected by Recording Labels A&R. And he was offered two Publishing Deals (one in Europe and United States).

Three of the songs from the “Simply Beautiful To Me” CDs are currently in rotation on Coast2Coast FM radio station in Miami, FL. Also, those songs have been placed on the following Coast 2 Coast mixtapes: We Workin Volume# 75, 82, 183, 195, 311, 234 and 285: Pop Stars Volume# 323, 22 and 10: Reggae Stars Volume#13, 14 and 15 (Beautiful Just The Way You Are): Makin Moves Volume# 110 and 328: The Hottest in the State Volume#14 (Sometimes Life Is Cruel). And his song “Sometimes Life Is Cruel” have been (June 6, 2016) Featured on the Coast 2 Coast “We Workin” Mixtape Volume# 323. Now as of January 5 and 6, 2017 of this New Year his song “When I Have My Honey” have Featured on We Workin Volume 65 and R&B Stars Volume#.

SOURCE: Official Bio