91181-Mitchell_Thomas_01Mitchell Thomas is a guitarist, composer, producer, vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist who writes and performs a blend of rock, jazz, world music and hip-hop. Born in Petaluma, California, Mitch was born into a musical family, extending back to his grandmother Francis Thomas, a trumpeter and composer, who privately taught voice to Coretta Scott King while Dr. King’s soon to be wife was enrolled in college. Though flute was his first instrument at age 10, Mitch became serious about music after learning the guitar at age 16, and since then has never looked back. His early influences on the guitar are David Gilmour, James Taylor, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Pat Metheny.

He soon began to compose and learn other instruments for his compositions, including the saxophone, cello, piano, banjo, bass, and dobro. Immediately after recording and releasing his first album solo album at age 19 in which he played all the instruments, titled “A Maze In Grace”, Mitch traveled to The Gambia in West Africa to learn the kora, a 21 string harp-lute, and then to southern Spain to study flamenco guitar. He then formed his own group, and began performing Mitchell Thomasaround the Bay Area and Sonoma County both as a solo act and as a band leader, playing and writing for bands such as CuckOOclock, Mitch Thomas Band, and Corn Farmer Shamus.

After 5 years of full time performing and composing for various groups, Mitch realized that he also loved teaching and went back to school to complete his bachelor degree in both Composition and Jazz Studies from Sonoma State University, and is now attending USC’s Masters program in Studio/Jazz Guitar. Mitch is set to release his second album, “Air Plain”, with his newly formed band of prominent musicians based in Los Angeles and the Bay Area in California.
