88554-LiveWith a warm simple ambiance and sweeping dynamics, Natasha Jolene’s goal is to draw the listener into a thoughtful space for reflecting on the stories being told through words and sounds. Her passion is poetry set to melodies, played on piano. Because of her piano-based experimentation, she’s been compared with artists such as Regina Spektor and Birdie. In essence, though, Natasha Jolene draws from her exposure to indie folk, jazz, and alternative music, and creates a genre all her own.

Different influences have helped kindled her passion for creating music: the piano lessons she took from childhood, the arts program in her high school, the six-month overseas arts and missions program she thrived in, and the Institute of Music Ministry she is now attending. However, her biggest influences, though, are the sounds and stories that she’s been exposed to throughout her life. These have seeped into her mind and mixed with her spirit, forming themselves into words she couldn’t have planned on her own.

SOURCE: Official Bio
