Newland started as a solo project by Harlinger singer songwriter Alex Nieuwland. After years of making music in various bands, his solo debut, LOVE AND WAR, came out of nowhere in 2016. All lyrics and music were written and performed by himself, as well as all instruments. The album was well received and the single, THE MAN WHO SAVED THE WORLD, even made it to the top of the indie charts. Three more albums followed. In 2018 CRADLES AND CROSSES, in 2019 VAUDEVILLE AND BURLESQUE and in early 2020 THE EMPEROR OF ICE CREAM. The fifth album TOMORROWLAND will be released soon.

The one man band NEWLAND steadily built up a loyal group of followers, but the music could not be heard live, a loss!

In September 2019, a live band was therefore formed consisting of Peter van der Wal (guitars and synth), Ido Korstanje (drums), Dennis Wever (guitars) and Bert Hoekstra (bass). All highly experienced musicians who do the best for NEWLAND’s music. Corona threw a spanner in the works and now there is talk of a solo project again. However, Newland often seeks collaboration with other musicians and producers, such as Gilbert Terpstra and Harry Zwerver.

About the music Alex says:

“My music is difficult to categorize and that’s not possible at all. The main thing is freshness, creativity, and fun. Not always taking the easiest way, but trying to surprise. I write my own songs and the lyrics are an important part. I always try to tell little stories about love, war, friendship, and everything that keeps me busy.

Like everyone else, I have my musical heroes who have influenced me like Paul Weller, David Bowie and Andy Partridge from XTC. But time does not stand still and modern heroes also leave their mark. “

Enough reason to check out Newland’s music!

SOURCE: Official Bio