Organic Device is an independent artist that started around the year 2000. The music is created by using the computer and electronic equipment (Device) as the main platform and interface, in which the artist (Organic) can express moods, ideas, and feelings. The first album, called “A”, was released 2006, two years after it was produced. The second album “B” was even more delayed, and first released in March 2014, even though most of the songs were ready 2007. Soon after this followed the third album, called “Change”, that was released July 2014. The fourth album “Different” was released the 25th of March 2016 and Organic Device is now releasing a series of singles (from the end of October 2016). The first one is called “Weekend” followed by “Space Dive”, “Twilight”, “A Dream” and “You’ll See”. Other singles will be released regularly after this.

The music starts with an idea that evolves, and sometimes changes to something very different than the original starting point. It is not bound by a specific genre and can e.g. change from more aggressive sounding too soft and dreamy music. This softer kind of music has also been a focus for the artist before starting Organic Device when he was making music in the quieter genre of New Age. In addition, to making music in Organic Device, the artist also loves to make music for different uses, like movies, tv shows, games and the like. All things that inspire, entertain and hopefully gives experience to the listeners.

The name Organic Device not only refers to the human – instrument interaction, but also to the fact that the two are getting closer and closer, and that this might lead to a symbiotic relationship. Another aspect of the name Organic Device is that as Devices are getting closer to being organics, humans are sometimes also treated as devices, and sometimes thrown away for a newer model.

SOURCE: Official Bio