Hailing from Middletown, New Jersey, Shotgun Bill began playing bass in 1973, playing in bands throughout high school and college, before life eventually took him in a different direction. He has been working with Frank Patrouch since 2012, through a solo CD of Frank’s. This reunion prompted them to make a new record as a duo, 2015’s ‘One Good Line’, and hit the road, playing coffeehouses with their own brand of 70’s country rock. In 2016 he released “ Shotgun Bill- the B- Sides”. Also in 2016, Frank & Bill release another CD entitled “ Unplugged and Uncouth”. ( all titles on Itunes, Amazon, CD Baby and Band Camp and Spotify.)

His music style is a blend of coffe house rock with an original singer / songwriter vibe. He perform at local coffee houses and venues playing a compilation of original songs here at the Jersey Shore.

Bill Anania is a Podiatrist and resides and practices in Middletown, NJ with his wife and has one son.

SOURCE: Official Bio
