The More You Know look like any other band out there right now, two guitarists, a bassist, a drummer, and a singer. You wouldn’t think that a band just releasing their debut single and a small amount of social media activity had been going for nearly four years. In that respect, The More You Know has a story to tell.

Only one original member remains from the very first mutterings of forming a band in 2015, and since that very first meeting, The More You Know has been a lot more like The Cure in terms of turnover. A few things have got in the way of progress; life, degrees ending, even an old band wanting their talent back, but one thing has remained, the desire to put something out.

After needing to start again at the tail end of 2018, Chris Bowen, Jo Oliver, and Claire Mitchell-Brown had big decisions to make. Tracks had been recorded and a few gigs were in the diary, along with plans to release a mini album, all of which needed to be shelved. There was even the thought of permanently shelving it all. A quick look through musician wanted ads, however, brought about a fresh perspective.
With Julio Da Mata and David Richards on board, The More You Know have already, in 4 months, got back to where they were in the middle of 2018. The new feel and new talent have injected a new life into songs that have been around since the early days, No Revolution being one of the first the band ever wrote.

No Revolution is a raw, heartfelt plea of not wanting to be typecast and wanting to break free of your self-imposed limitations and the search to be accepted as an individual, despite external forces trying to drag you down. In some senses, No Revolution is the perfect way for The More You Know to return.

In many ways, it’s an evolution rather than a revolution.

SOURCE: Official Bio