From their teenage roots of the New York City scene (CBGB’s. Max’s Kansas City. China Club and more…) and separate successful career paths of their own, lifelong friends and former bandmates Gar Francis and Wayne Olivieri (Rockids) are reuniting to write and record together again. Along with former bandmate Dan Skye(Oliver’s Twist) and new Drummer Johnnie Rago and John Croot JR on Keyboards…. to form The NEW Bardots.

“FRENCH KISSES”, The NEW Bardots debut album which is a testament to the rock & roll blood that flows through the veins of these Veteran New Jersey Rockers.

From the first single, a modern-day remake of the classic Jerry Lee Lewis’s “Great Balls Of Fire”…to the Heart Felt balled “The Soldiers Wife”, a tribute to the past and present men and woman of our military its clear…..The NEW Bardots are a band out to save Rock & Roll from extinction……Plain and simple

The NEW Bardots are donating 100% of ALL net profits from our CD to a scholarship fund at The Rockit Academy music school in Red Bank NJ …..for up and coming rockids who have the talent and drive but need help financially to get into the school.

SOURCE: Official Bio