90178-Walk_Away_From_My_Heart_CoverMy name is Todd Michael Schultz. I am a songwriter, a singer, and a performer from Los Angeles. I’m a devoted writer of words, having acquired a degree in Creative Writing from The University of Iowa. I use this background to really dig deep with my lyrics. The singer/writer Sia inspired me to write “Hotel” when she suggested I focus on my metaphors.

I took this advice and I wrote the song “Hotel”. In the song, you hear multiple examples of happenings at a Hotel… there is even a reference to the bell hop. The song is the narrative of a young man who’s life seems to be in shambles as he reflects on a fight with his lover while waking up in an old hotel room.

Nicole Suell of The Melrose Group said, “I really like Hotel. I like the storyline and how you’ve said so much using simple and clearly relatable analogies. The caliber of songwriting supports the quality of the production of the track. The chorus is awesome!”

Chris Cable of the BBC1 said, “Vocals are nice on this – really like the melody….The hook is catchy also. Given the lyrics and subject – you’ve got great scope to put together a good video for this. Song structure is coherent, and overall is very well-produced. I could easily see this being on daytime radio… ”

The momentum for “Hotel” has been astounding. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and I’ve never been so proud. I feel that the feedback is all a sign of the impending success of this record. And I’ve got another great record on deck with “Walk Away From My Heart”.

It is my thorough intention that Hotel be a song to rejoice in our bittersweet humanity and that it may serve as a solace for the summertime blues.
