Christopher Esse’s new single titled ‘I’ll Save the World’ is one of those songs that throws you for a loop, in a good way. It starts off with this beautiful chord progression on an acoustic guitar accompanied by a lush vocal melody but then kicks in with a total rock styled chunk rhythm with gritty yet complimentary guitars and a combination of vocal lines that really took me by surprise. ‘I’ll Save the World’ is a song that keeps you guessing. It consistently goes into directions you wouldn’t expect but leaves you pleasantly surprised after that initial listen, particularly the guitar break in the middle section. Think ‘Hotel California’ meets The Replacements. Brilliant. The lyrics deserve a listen as well, as they are filled with relevance. Definitely a lesson in songwriting.

About Christopher Esse
Growing up in a small suburb just outside NYC, Christopher Esse found deeply listening to music as a salve during difficult adolescence. Certain songs sent tingles down his neck and tears down his cheeks. For some time he felt challenged to make music of his own even though he hadn’t touched a piano since quitting piano lessons as a child. Finally, at 20 years old, he couldn’t resist any longer. In the summer of 1980 Esse set up a Yamaha cassette deck and Radio Shack microphone and started making songs.

After moving to Los Angeles in 1988, he had to face reality. He worked a regular job, got married, had kids, etc. Despite being away from music for so long, being a good husband and father will always be a highlight of his life. But by 2007 Esse’s burning desire to live out his music dreams returned. This time he needed to pursue this full time. Thanks to the support from his wife, kids, and their piano teacher he was able to do so.

Christopher Esse’s rock narrative, RESONANCE, is a four-album collective and calls it, “the story of our future”. The first album John Doe Saves the World is a commentary on the inherent flaws of the US capitalist system and offers a possible way to transcend them. Going from apathy to despair to anger throughout the course of the album, the protagonist of this rock narrative, John Doe, finally commits himself to save the world – if it’s not already too late. Influenced by everything from jazz to classical music to rock giants like Pink Floyd, The Clash and Talking Heads the album combines punky, in-your-face verses with a hopeful, rocking chorus.

All proceeds from the four-piece effort will be donated to a charitable gift fund to support musicians.