Italy’s Earthset have always had the uncanny ability to pleasantly surprise me with every release. I still listen to “rEvolution of the Species” on a regular basis. And their interview with us was just as revealing artistically. And now they are about to release “Popism” in March. This will definitely be something to keep an eye out for. Every single song just seems to jump at you with it’;s own character and garners your attention within the first few chords. What I absolutely loved with “rEvolution” was the fact that each instrument seemed to have a mind of it’s own yet followed together in revolutionary unison. That is taken to the extreme with “Popism”. An example of this is above in the new song “Flush”. The song starts off as a peaceful and clean musical upbeat melodic piece then crescendos into a gloriously maddening sonic mess with beautiful angst.

What I love most about Earthset isn’t what you would think. Their songwriting sensibility not withstanding, because that is what instantly stands out, what catches my ears is their musicianship and out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to chord progression and accompaniment. Earthset is a band that runs like a well oiled machine. They are in tune with each other and it shows as if they are a solo act with four minds.

Let this be the next musical experience of your life.

Keep an eye out for “Popism” when it becomes available in March! (links below)

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About “Flush”
“Flush” is the first selected single from POPISM, second album work by Italian band Earthset. The song describes a circumstance where the protagonist discovers and accepts, by breaking her routine, a hidden, and to a certain extent disowned, part of herself. Between wakefulness and dreamy atmospheres, the song’s unrest is resolved in the finale, where the two souls are reunited like rejoined lovers.

The concept of the video revolves around the protagonist’s dreamy fantasies. She’s alone in her room, far from the world, in her most intimate space, in her soul. Here, the child’s colorful imagination clashes with new, unknown fantasies. A thousand voices in her mind accompany her on the solitary journey to realization of being a woman. The video, chromatically, refers to the EP’s artwork, where bursts of color irrupt on the white candor.


Music and Lyrics: Earthset
Actress: dharmaemmewoods
Direction: Giulia Ferrato
Edit: Domenico Parrino
Shooting/Photography: Veronica Burlando
Studio Assistant: Gian Giacomo Benstia
Make-up: Martina Gianfrido

"Popism" cover
“Popism” cover

About “Popism”
POPISM is the second EP by Italian band from Bologna Earthset. The theme is a compositional “game”, the challenge was producing a “light” and more immediate EP compared to “In a State of Altered Unconsciousness”. The title, POPISM, comes from the search for pop atmospheres, and was recently used to describe that trend in music critique which recognizes artistic dignity to Pop music.

The tracks, in their order, represent a path towards increasingly Pop atmospheres. It begins with “Around the Head” a structurally schizophrenic song, the lyrics of which are an interior dialogue on betrayed expectations and passive attitude in the face of difficulties. The song was inspired in part by band members’ personal hardships and partly by an anime’s characters which were used to describe the behavior of the protagonist’s two voices.

“In the Pendant” (pun on the word Independent) in an outburst, a criticism of the independent environment which emulates and replicates the dynamics of the world of mainstream, deadening and conforming the musical proposal to the search for the fashionable formula.

“Flush” is the song which, after the outburst, turns to more Indie-Pop textures. The lyrics tell of a circumstance where the protagonist discovers and accepts, by breaking her routine, a hidden, and to a certain extent disowned, part of herself. Like two unknown wanderers, the two egos of the protagonist meet and are reconciled in the song’s final explosion, which is followed by a bitter-sweet coda.

“Icarus’ Flight” concludes the quartet with an overtly pop song whose lyrics are inspired by the mythological episode of Icarus’ flight. The myth, originally has a paideutic significance whose purpose is to teach the young not to disobey the fathers, whereas in the song Icarus is the champion of humanity who prefers to outdo himself, at the cost of losing his life rather than accepting the cautious and mediocre existence suggested by Daedalus’ wise advice. The final verse encapsulates the song’s meaning. “Ghosts and Afterthoughts” closes the EP. Ghosts and afterthoughts, which lead back to the psychedelic textures of the band’s more experimental songs, yet built on loops with an electronic and noise feel… signs of future developments? At the moment we’re not quite sure ourselves to be honest. An EP that is a game, a challenge and a new proposal.

POPISM was self-produced by the band and Carlo Marrone (also producer of “In a State of Altered Unconsciousness” and other artists’ works such as “Petali” and “Malamore” by Gianluca Mondo, as well as multi-instrumentalist with, among others, My Own Parasite, Carlomargot, Murder, currently Soren Larsen). The mix, by Carlo Marrone, coherently with the EP’s theme, has explored more pop atmospheres, maintaining, at the same time, the band’s alternative rock spirit.

The drums were recorded and edited by Michele Postpischl (Ofeliadorme).

The master was done at Fonoprint Studios by Enrico Capalbo (produre of“In a State of Altered Unconsciousness”, sound engineer at Fonoprint Studios for, amongst others, Arto Lindsay, Luca Carboni, Gianmaria Testa, Paolo Fresu, Ofeliadorme, Francesco Guccini, Humberto Gatica, currently multi instrumentalist with Soren Larsen ).

The cover art represents a sketch of watercolor shadings. Each of the four colors used identifies a member of the band and a song of the EP.

SOURCE: Official Release