Smooth and sensual in all the right places, Jamie Reeves croons a modern classic with “Love You In Colour”, his new single coming out April 7th. Sultry in execution and soulful in delivery, Jamie gives a modern spin on a classic genre with total effortless abandon and brings blue=eyed soul back to the new indie.

About Jamie Reeves
Take a good measure of blue-eyed soul, throw in a splash of Reggae Reggae Sauce, add a dash of Tony Bennett and soupcon of northern soul and you get Wigan’s very own King of Cool Jamie Reeves.

Like Odysseus Jamie has returned home all the better for his experiences and is now ready to emerge as a major artist. “Love You in Colour” is a beautifully crafted song and Jamie’s achingly soulful voice really does justice to the heartfelt lyrics, penned after Jamie became a father for the first time.

The Crowdfunded single “Love You in Colour” is available from 7th April and looks set to keep Jamie Reeve’s star in the ascendancy.

SOURCE: Official Bio