Joe Carnwath has today released his new single titled ‘So So’. Part solid pop song, part mammoth size hook, ‘So So’ takes the laid back route to the perfect song with a memorable walk through the decades of rock coming out unscathed and freshly updated with an original track to carry the #indie scene forward. If magic was music, this would be the soundtrack.

About Joe Carnwath

Surprisingly, of the first people to catch the American born, English raised musician busking on the streets of London, it was not Bono (who did toss 300 pounds into the guitar case) but rather the owner of a small Swedish live-music club who would have the largest effect on Joe’s subsequent life and career. Booked to play 2 nights at “Cafe Katalin” in Uppsala, Joe instantly fell in love with the Swedish music scene and people (or to be more specific, the girl who’s apartment was directly above the club (What is it with those Scandinavian women??!).

Immigration, marriage and blond children followed, as did musical collaborations with many architects of the “Swedish indie sound”

Regardless of the Swedish and American collaborators, it is clearly British pop of the early ´80s that has left it’s mark on this collection of songs.

“What are you laughing at?” radiates an edginess and driving beat akin to Echo and the Bunnymen, while “Tokyo”, “Queen of the winter” and “For your pleasure” revel in a romantic melancholy sometimes found in Lloyd Cole and the Commotions. “Big Heads Small Minds” on the other hand, calls to mind the legendary Smiths.