Pink Elefants has released their new single titled ‘Sinderella’. The track is a piece of refined electronic soul written in the style of dance-pop in the passion of true musicians. A slow burn with the staccato rhythm embedded in the vocals and inspired by the beat. This track throbs when you play it.

About Pink Elefants

Pink Elefants is the project of long-time friends Finch (Flores) and Illeven (Joshua Matthew). Previously performing in the rock/metal band Megosh, the duo created Pink Elefants as an outlet to explore other genres and, in the process, quickly became experts at defying genre boundaries, pulling widely from a plethora of influences. The band name was inspired by the “Pink Elephants on Parade” sequence in Disney’s Dumbo (1941). Much like the transformation of the elephants in that scene, the band’s ethos is to be ever-evolving with their sound and the world around them.

The band made their debut as Pink Elefants in 2019 and have continued to pump out a steady stream of singles since. Pink Elefants’ true passion lies in the creation of the music: “Writing together brings back a lot of the fun for us. The limitations are removed and we can just write without worrying too much about all the other hoopla that comes along with being in a musical entity with business-like endeavors. This project is a dream team of passionate and hungry musical virtuosos.”

Pink Elefants defies genre. Much like the imagery seen in the classic animation “Elephants on Parade”, they change and adapt with anything thrown their way, In a world of quarantines and venue closings, they have found a way to share the magic of who and WHAT they are. Taking lemons and turning them into pink lemonade, they took to social media and managed to acquire an entire following of loyal fans ranging in age from 8-80. They bring light to dark times and have turned the most low moods into a worldwide contagious laugh. Kids, parents,college students,grandparents, all united under troubled times. They break every mold. They have worked together in various blended projects over the years and evolved into a beautiful entity that cannot be replicated. This is JUST the beginning of an entire movement of sound and energy rolled up in the form of song.

“Pink Elefants true passion lies in the creation of the tracks,” the trio states. “Writing together in this group brings back a lot of fun for us. The limitations are removed and we can just write without worrying too much about all the other hoopla that comes along with being in a musical entity with business-like endeavors. Brass tacks—we’ve been able to focus mostly on the music and creative aspects. Not many artists have that luxury. Our team is strong and the hands and minds behind this project is a dream team of passionate and hungry musical virtuosos.”

About ‘Sinderella’

On “Sinderella,” listeners are treated to a bombastic mix of hip-hop beats, breathy vocals, and melancholic pop melodies. “The song is about persevering through the obstacles that others put in front of you,” the duo say. Lyrically, the song drives home the importance of self-worth, self-love, and self-acceptance, revolting against outside noise.

The music video is an absurdist-horror take on the themes explored in the song. Explaining the cinematic concept behind the video, the duo write, “At the beginning of the video when we sit down and begin to watch the performance, the dancer in front of us seems grotesque. We begin to judge her, harshly. As that happens, our true selves begin to surface, while our actress transforms and heals. The monsters at the end almost feel helpless as they spew their disgust, but the dancer smiles…she has transcended and become more of herself, no longer affected by the harsh opinions of man.”