Stella Wembley drops her new single titled ‘All That I Need’. With a haunting overtone and a sublimely dark musical persona captured within the song, Stella Wembley gives a ‘stella’ performance that gives a perfect sneak preview of what her EP of the same name is. Music in its purest form.

The darkness of the song itself is done in an emotional sense in that there is a longing within the lyrics as well as a diversity in the music that both tugs on the heart and pulls with the beat in a way that leaves the listener in a state of reflection and admiration while the music overall gives a consistency that the words demand.

Check out our exclusive interview with Stella HERE.

About Stella Wembley

Stella Wembley is an accomplished music producer, video director, composer, lyricist, multi-faceted musician and truly exceptional vocalist Stella captivates with her own particular take on the genre.

Alluringly she leads the listener into a haunted realm where, with powerful and evocative deep lyrics, she lays bare her soul in a psycho-drama of tragedy and melancholic sensuality.

twitter25@WembleyStella [rotatingtweets screen_name=’WembleyStella’]

She sings powerfully, yet with a hint of vulnerability, like a beautiful damned siren calling us to join her in her dark universe. Stella Wembley is a visionary artist who seems to defy description.

‘All That I Need’ EP (Gothic Empire Records,2019) produced, written and performed by Stella Wembley has been released on the 21 st October 2019 on the digital platforms. The official release date is on February 2020. (Worldwide Distribution: Resurrection Records via PHD, Audioglobe, M&A ).