
With a unique musical swagger and penchant for seamlessly melding and molding genres and styles as easily as one might change a shirt, The Sneaky Nixons are poised to have their indie flag saluted by global masses yearning for a change in the scene. Almost an “anti-song” the new track “Sex” is about against the grain in established music as you can get but, in a plot twist reminiscent of when M. Night Shyamalan was talented, the song is brilliant! The off timing and melodies simply ooze the very sex they are evoking and the combination of soothing horns and gritty guitars behind a changing backbeat are too hooky to NOT notice. If The Sneaky Nixons don’t change the game then it’s because the game is over.

“Sex” by The Sneaky Nixons drops November 20th via Across the Ocean Waves Productions.

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About The Sneaky Nixons:
The Sneaky Nixons describe themselves as an angry, semi-political, semi-religious, part-feminist sloppy activist group who play riotous, steam-train guitar music. They have declared war on electronic dance music, guns, promoters, and non-believers of their Rock-n-Roll terrorism.

Flashy, arrogant and with a startling superiority complex , the band say they have no time whatsoever for humdrum normality, preferring the out of control, dangerous and volatile, in order to live their lives in a brutal, riotous and rock-n-roll fashion.

The Sneaky Nixons’ ‘Sex’ is taken from the forthcoming eponymous compliation album from Across the Ocean Waves Productions, which features the most exciting bands active on Liverpool’s vibrant music scene. All the tracks on the album have been produced by label owner Carlo Variola.Please note – This video contains strong images and graphic content.


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