Velvet Sunset has today premiered their new single titled ‘Blue’ on Jammerzine. Featuring that unique blend of angelic voice and gritty guitar, the retro-esque hooks and White Stripes infused beat give this song a power in the dirty landscape and a signature within the song. ‘Blue’ leaves you beyond curious about Velvet Sunset because of how this song lends itself to the ear. That magic moment when a band goes from being mentioned to being compared to.

About Velvet Sunset

Velvet Sunset is a french indie rock band born in 2016, composed of Eléonore on vocals and Max on guitar and bass. We like our music to be indie, trip-hop, rock sometimes acoustic.

Since she is 7, Eleonore has been writing and singing, creating poetry and lyrics. Max loved the guitar instantly and started playing by imitating his heroes ( Jimmy Page, John Frusciante, Jimi Hendrix…).

Our favorite bands are Led Zeppelin, The Breeders, The Vines, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Velvet Underground … to name a few. In 2019, our first album came out, our second album « Down the Road » was released in 2020 as well as an EP with 4 songs « Goodbye Summertime ».