1. Camera Shy .wavrunner 2:20

.wavrunner has today released their new single titled ‘Camera Shy’. Notched with a hint of naughty and spiced with a side of cheeky sauce, .wavrunner offer up a fun-filled mini-epic track designed by musical synergy and melodic snark that takes the listener for a ride. A beautiful and wild ride. Summer is here.

About .waverunner

If you’ve been waiting for the next unhinged group of young artists who are here to tell you to fight for your right to party, then look no further. .wavrunner (pronounced wavrunner) are Jack Wesley, younger brother JJ and Griff. Jack and Griff met as second graders in Cleveland, USA after realizing they were kindred, mischievous spirits.

They first bonded over their shared passion for choice four letter words…. A decade later, Jack and Griff are just as fun-loving and cheeky in their roles as co-lyricists for .wavrunner with Jack handling lead vocals, Griff as co-vocalist and JJ who creates the beats and arrangements. The guys age from 18 to 20 years old, and are chaotic, fun, and unapologetically ambitious.
