You have to love the layered and textured sounds that are the trio of Lex Audrey. To create music captured in such a dreamscape yet remain pop is a hard task, to say the least, yet Lex Audrey have achieved such sonic bliss with their new track and accompanying video titled “Godgiven”.  The angelic vocals of Niklas Apfel coupled with the assertively creative musical backbone from Patrick Pillichshammer and Lukas Staudinger give the listener that warm feeling inside that comes only when one has found their next favorite band.

About Lex Audrey
Please meet Vienna based three piece Lex Audrey

Featuring Niklas Apfel (vocals, guitar, samples), Patrick Pillichshammer (drums, sampling pad) and Lukas Staudinger (bass, synthesizer), with a nod to Audrey Hepburn the band asks their audience to take a closer look at the world. This look should also meet their debut EP ‘God Given’.

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On ‘God Given’ they confront their audience with contrasts, they combine euphoria and sadness and manage to shift the musical boundaries between Rock, Pop, and Electronica.

The band sees the world in red, yellow and blue but when these three primary colors are mixed they turn to black.

Welcome to the world of Lex Audrey.