From the streets of Ghana to the airwaves of London, Mike Dadio is a producer who is determined to make music his own way. Fake n’ Dat is about, in Mike’s words, “love and lies” – themes as universal as his music. Without a defining genre to box him in him, he lets his synth and drums guide him, letting the individual sounds and rhythms resonate and building tracks around them. This is cloud rap in its most DIY guise – no faking guaranteed.

Mike Dadio has assembled two of the hottest talents on the scene for Fake n’ Dat – Romel and Hurricane Hunt. Romel was first introduced to Mike at his studio and the two quickly hit it off, both recognizing the passion and energy of each other and each sharing a vision of how they could contribute to creating something special. Rapper, Hurricane, was a mutual friend – he immediately connected with the track and had recorded his verse in the studio within an hour. Sometimes, chance meetings and coincidence lead to the most creative projects.

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Fake n’ Dat is driven by Mike Dadio’s deep love of music. For him, it’s pure escapism, a way to create opportunities for others and to let the artists he works with to share in that place where music overrides all feelings of animosity and aggression. Fake n Dat is the first track from Mike Dadio to be released in 2019 and looks to cement him as one of London’s go-to producers.