With a raucous beat and hook-driven chord progression, The G-O-D solidify their place in the new #indie scene with their latest track “Mad Bad And Dangerous To Know”. You would think with a title like that, that very title would be impossible to fit into a song, but you have to listen to the genius way that very title fits seamlessly into the chorus in a way that will have you singing it to yourself hours after hearing it for the first time.

The video itself is a documentation of the time you will have at a G-O-D show, with fun, funk, and rhythm to be had by all. The G-O-D are, as much as they are relevant; fun. This is a cool band to follow, with the mersey-cool-funk-beat of Si Wolstencroft and the guitar-powered-sarcastically-fun-vocals of Chris Bridgett. It’s time to meet your new musical maker in The G-O-D.

Check out their music HERE.

About The G-O-D
The G-O-D don’t sound like any band you’ve heard in recent years and at the same time they manage to instantly sound like your new favorite band should. It’s like you’ve been waiting for them, you just didn’t know it.

It’s a rare thing to be unique, yes you’ll hear the Stooges, Bowie, Buzzcocks and loads more in the G-O-D’s music but you’ll come away knowing you’ve heard something new, passionate, real, raw and of its time

The G-O-D are a Manchester band who take that tired label rip it up and re-arrange it just for the fun, like proper rock n roll should.

The G-O-D are Chris Bridgett (dub sex, rude club) Funky Si Wolstencroft (Ian Brown, The Fall)

SOURCE: Official Bio
