Audio Player Interview with Darrel William Herbert
  1. An Interview with Darrel William Herbert 36:35

Today we have a special interview with someone that I personally consider one of the guitar legends of the first wave of the alternative music scene. I am talking about Darrel William Herbert. Having his global beginnings with the band The Toadies and continuing that career with Tomorrowpeople, Darrel has also emersed himself in many other aspects of the music world including editing, songwriting, and scoring. Chances are you have heard his work even if you’re not a music listener.

And now we have an in-depth interview with Darrel about his beginnings, his gear, his adjustment to the lockdown and, most importantly, his debut solo album titled ‘An Unwelcome Moment of Clarity’, out October 9th as well as his new video, out today, titled ‘If you Still Believe’.

Unsigned artists around the world; heads up. This is how you diversify in the music industry and gain street cred. Just take a look and listen to this taster of things to come with this new video and song. Darrel is a true songwriter with a penchant for tone and respect for music as an art.

About Darrel William Herbert

After building a career playing guitar for platinum-selling act the Toadies and the Geffen-signed Tomorrowpeople, Darrel William Herbert is taking a back-to-basics, DIY approach for his upcoming solo debut, An Unwelcome Moment of Clarity.

“The punk DIY aesthetic is something that I internalized from a young age,” says Hebert. “No one is going to do anything for you; if you want to make something, you have to do it yourself. On this record, I wrote, recorded, performed, mixed, mastered, made the videos, and shot the promo photos [largely by] myself.”

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The result is a bold opening statement for Herbert that combines traces of his Texas upbringing in the “Willie and Waylon” era of country music with the backing of a storied career within alternative rock. Featuring contributor friends like keyboardist Rich Hilton (Chic), guitarist Paul Williams (Tablet), and drummer Mitch Marine (Dwight Yoakam), Clarity doesn’t shy away from bringing aboard Herbert’s talented friends, but the record itself is undeniably his most personal, heartfelt songwriting yet.

“The album, for me, is about self-discovery; pushing aside my ego and fear, to let go and get out of my own way and see what I could achieve,” Herbert adds. “Once I started doing that, the songs started flowing. Stories, characters, songs that weren’t noticeably about me, but about the world I saw in front of me ultimately became more a reflection of who I am than something more literal.”