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Patrick McCallion is rapidly gaining a reputation in the indie world for being known as an accomplished songwriter and guitarist and it’s becoming easier and easier to see why. Just listen to his latest track “Voices”. Just listen to the song and you will know why. To imagine a person so young conveying the emotion and talent of a person twice his age gives hope to the music scene and uplifts and encourages any musician to give it a go. When you listen to the interview above take note of what he says and you will know that you won’t need to keep an eye out for him because he could be everywhere.


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About Patrick McCallion
As the main singer / songwriter in Small Words, Patrick McCallion already has a growing reputation with fans of gritty social conscience infused indie-pop. Previous releases such as the energetic ‘Light Entertainment’ and the wonderfully catchy ‘Neat Little Package’ marked out Patrick as a songwriter and performer to keep an eye on.

“Voices” is the first of a series of solo singles set for 2016. Renowned Producer David M Allen (The Cure) was behind the desk for this first offering of the year. “Voices” is a gentler, more melodic, dare we say sentimental commentary on love. As usual with Patrick the lyrics are intelligent and well thought out and the music has a raw production with the keys and guitars left to speak for themselves.

With the dates for the “The Unplugged UK Tour” to be released soon and more singles to come, 2016 is going to be quite a year for Patrick McCallion.

SOURCE: Official Bio