Rarely can it be said that things get better with age. Not so for The Goood Things. Don’t let the title of their new EP, “EP#2“, fool you in any way. This is a heavier continuation of their first effort that we introduced you to last year. The only way I can describe their current direction into the audio landscape is “heavy hook pop”. And that’s a Goood Thing (pun intended). Sit back and listen to our tornadoes of Tokyo in an in depth interview that features more of the band this time around! And check out the free sample in the playlist and let the music take you over.

Buy “EP#2” on bandcamp

About The Goood Things
The Goood Things is a 5 piece based in Tokyo playing throwback summer time rock’n’roll (all year round) and features Tosh (guitar), Mike (voc), Kayo (bass), Yamada (drums) and Joe (keys). Three members are Japanese but the dominant language spoken in the band is drunk Kiwi-English, while Mike – Aussie brought up in Germany – adds to the confusion with his where-the-devil-is-that-from kind of drawl.

But lets rewind the clock a bit. Long before The Goood Things formed in 2013 there was a Tokyo-based 3-piece band called Sunset Drive. Tosh was the guitarist and they took their energetic indie rock on tours of Europe and Japan, releasing 2 EPs and basically setting the benchmark way high for English-singing bands in Tokyo. When their lead singer Al went back to New Zealand, Tosh got rock’n’roll withdrawals and called Mike.

When Mike got the call he was singing (and still is) in The Mootekkis a garage rock 5 piece that has also released 2 CDs and toured New York back in 2012. Mike’s answer was a no-brainer and Kayo – who used to play bass in a chicks band called Rubiks cube with Mike’s girlfriend, Ayumi – joined soon after. Yamada was in a metal band with Tosh and is one of 3 lead vocalists in an RNB number called Bozu style, who celebrate being bald through song. Joe was the frontman for his band, Lela Marien, back in sunny UK and divides his time between TGT and The Watanabes.

In May 2015, they released their second self-titled EP (blue cover) at Zher the Zoo in Yoyogi with local scene setters, The Watanabes, Kinlay and the Hi-Hopes. A 170+ strong crowd poured into the venue to celebrate and with Jameson providing free whiskey shots for the night, a goood ol’ time was always on the cards. With a monthly residency at Shibuya’s Ruby Room and their debut EP sold out at Shinjuku Tower Records listening booth last, things are starting to heat up for this lot.
