
What I find so amazing about Amy and Georgia, a.k.a London based Nova Twins, is that with one listen of their new track “Bassline Bitch”, is how seasoned they sound. This group is at the precipices of hugeness. But their hardness goes deeper than that. These are seasoned professionals that know what they want and have a clear plan on how to achieve it and they are not taking any shit along the way from anyone. What a lot of new bands don’t know is that is how it must be to survive and succeed. Listen to the interview and see why and how they do it. You heard it here first!

About Nova Twins:
Sistas in sonic mayhem, killer bass lines and nail you to the wall hooks, Amy (vocals/guitar) and Georgia (bass/backing vocals) like to write tunes, play shows, and wear custom made clothes and stack heels – all at the same time. Georgia’s thunderous bass and unique combination of FX pedals underpins Amy’s urbane lyrics and unique rockin’ yowl, theirs is rifftastic music – serious girl power motivation.

SOURCE: Official Bio
