When times seem too hard to manage, when the world get’s you down some, what can you do?  Where do you turn?  Do you let the people walk all over you? Or, do you walk away?  Sometimes this can be a very complicated decision.  Check out what Jiggley Jones had to say during our interview.

Tell us a little about where you are from.
I’m from Southeastern Pennsylvania near a town called Coatesville, which is in Chester County. Coatesville is about an hour directly west of Philadelphia and an hour directly east of Lancaster.

When did you start performing music?
I started back in the 90’s and kicked around in a few different bands before calling it quits. Then in 2007 I got back into things by starting this Jiggley Jones thing.

I got back into things by starting this Jiggley Jones Thing.

Which instruments are you most proficient with?
I’m actually a bass player originally, but now my main instrument is the acoustic guitar.

Describe your music interests and abilities.
I am specifically a creative artist. All the music I perform is my own and that to me is the whole reason I do this.

What famous musicians inspire you?
I always lean towards Neil Young, James Taylor, and maybe Led Zeppelin. The list could actually go on and on.

Name your best musical memory growing up or professionally
I guess the first year I played was at the CMA Fest in Nashville at BB King’s Blues Club. The air was electric and the event is unbeatable.

Is there anything new in the works?
The creation of a new, full length album is going on as we speak. I’m looking at a probable spring of 2016 release.

Any Public events that you’d like to shout out?
Well I’ve got the 19th annual Millennium Music Conference in Harrisburg, Pa. which was Feb. 20th, and the Cape May Singer/songwriter Conference in Cape May, NJ coming up in March, the weekend of the 27th thru 29th.

How do you balance your music with family and friends?

“Haha, that’s the toughest part for me.”

I have three kids and they come first. I spend a lot of time running them around while I’m trying to fit in a phone interview, live performance or a recording session. Believe me, it wouldn’t work if I didn’t write everything down on a calendar.

Do you get nervous before a performance?
Of course, but I think that’s a good thing if you can channel that into energy and passion.

Channel it into energy and passion.”

Do you have any advice for artists’ just starting out?
I would say that you should make sure that you spend a good long time perfecting your music first before you go out and play live. Once you are out there and the fun and excitement has pulled you in, it’s very difficult to back out of that adventure and go back to working on music, especially if things start to take off for you. 

How might you handle mistakes on the big stage?
That’s the thing to me that separates the good from the great. If you make a mistake, and you will, and you can get through it without it seeming like it was a mistake, then you are a true musician, haha.

Who is your biggest supporter?
Without my family’s support this would not even be remotely possible. They believe in me and that is so important when it comes to confidence.

List your most favorite song to perform and why?
I always start my set with my current single “Walk On Me.” It’s the perfect song for me to warm up with because it’s easy to sing and play consistently. Not to mention it’s a real good, solid tune.

“It’s a real good solid tune.” 

Where can we follow your career at?

“That’s easy, just go to www.jiggleyjones.com

Can you tell us about the video you are sharing with us?
The video for “Walk On Me” was filmed in Nashville in Feb. 2014. Josh Moody from Elevating Entertainment was the director and was behind the camera which was a “gyro” type of set up. The video has me at home worried about my woman who seems to have a thing about being out on the town without me.

About Johnny Naylor:
author-naylor-smJohnny Naylor is the founder and owner of 1st Shot Music and a feature writer for Jammerzine. His work can also be found on 1st Shot Music and Naylor’s Notes. You can also get his latest updates on his facebook page.