Introducing:  Xander Demos.  He takes it above and beyond what many guitarists are doing these day’s.  Keeping it old school for sure, he has set out to blow at-least 80% of your mind!!!

This guy will rock, “not knock,” but (Rock) your socks off!!!

Check out what Xander had to say during our interview.

Tell us a little about where you are from.
I am originally from Tarpon Springs, Florida, but I have lived in Pittsburgh, PA for more than 20 years now.

When did you start performing music?
I started on drums when I was pretty young, and then switched to guitar when I was about 15.  So, it’s been many years now…30+.

Which instruments are you most proficient with?
Guitar is my number one, but I can play a little keyboards, bass and drums.  I sing background vocals, too.

Describe your music interests and abilities.
I love a lot of types of music, from classical movie scores to pop music to hard rock and metal and everything in between.  The style I play the most often and most confidently would be metal/hard rock. 

What famous musicians inspire you?
The guys in Journey, Boston, Night Ranger, Warrant, Whitesnake and any of the great hard rock and hair metal of the 80s and early 90s. 

“They are just great musicians with very powerful melodies.”

Name your best musical memory growing up or professionally.
It would probably be the show opening for Buckethead in Pittsburgh.  The crowd was really into it…

“It was our kind of audience, for sure.”

We rocked the stage and sold a ton of cds that night.

“I think we sold out!”

It was a memorable experience.  Also, playing guitar for James Rivera at a festival in Ohio, for his first solo band show.  That was an honor and privilege.Is there anything new in the works? 

Yes, I’m working on a follow up album to my first, Guitarcadia.  Currently I’m also writing and recording tracks for that.  I hope to have it out in the next couple of months.

Any Public events that you’d like to shout out?
I have nothing on the schedule right now.  I just got done performing at NAMM, which was a ton of fun. 

How do you balance your music with your family and friends?

“You just have to find time…”

I’m a pretty busy guy, but you need to have that time where you just shut everything off and have some down time with friends and family

“After all, they are the ones that keep you going.”

Do you get nervous before a performance? 

Not so much nervous, but energized.

“I get a feeling and a rush that I can only explain as pure adrenaline.”

Do you have any advice for artists’ just starting out? 

“Stick to your guns, and don’t follow trends.”

Play what you like and always entertain the audience.  Never forget that they are the ones that make and break you.

How might you handle mistakes on the big stage?
Just take them in stride.  You will always make mistakes. You’re human.  The thing is that if you don’t let the crowd know you made a mistake, they probably won’t notice anyways.  Just move on and play the next song better.

“Any mistakes will soon be forgotten.”

Who is your biggest supporter? 

“It would have to be my dogs and cats.”

What is your most favorite song to perform and why? 

That’s easy, it’s Scarified by Racer X

“Just brilliant musicianship.”

Paul Gilbert is amazing.  Love that band.  I had the pleasure of performing and hanging out with Jeff Martin from Racer X at NAMM this year.

“Total class act.”

Where can we follow your career at?,,,

Please tell us about the video you are sharing with us.
This is a live performance of one of my songs, “Guitarcadia” from a show we did in Pittsburgh, PA.

About Johnny Naylor:
author-naylor-smJohnny Naylor is the founder and owner of 1st Shot Music and a feature writer for Jammerzine. His work can also be found on 1st Shot Music and Naylor’s Notes. You can also get his latest updates on his facebook page.