Tag: Patrick McCallion

Jammerzine Exclusive: An Interview with Patrick McCallion

A few years ago I had the pleasure of interviewing then solo artist Patrick McCallion. One thing I always noticed about Patrick was his ability to recognize a hook when he writes one. He...

The Test Drive: Patrick McCallion – Keep Smiling

When I first heard the lead single of Patrick McCallion's EP titled "Keep Smiling" early last month, I knew I was in for something special. I interviewed a different Patrick last year. His music gave...

First Listen: Patrick McCallion – D.O.G.

Patrick McCallion does a complete 180° departure from his last single 'Voices' with his new single 'D.O.G.'. The song starts off fair enough, with a strumming acoustic with a subtle chord progression which suddenly...

Jammerzine Exclusive: Inside the Mind of Patrick McCallion

Patrick McCallion is rapidly gaining a reputation in the indie world for being known as an accomplished songwriter and guitarist and it's becoming easier and easier to see why. Just listen to his latest...

First Listen: Patrick McCallion – Voices

One instrument I absolutely have a soft spot for is the acoustic guitar. Patrick McCallion has quenched my thirst and then some with a masterful symphony of strings that he calls "Voices". This track...

Patrick Mccallion Launches ‘Kickstarter Campaign’

Talented singersongwriter, Patrick McCallion, is looking to raise £2000 ($3020.59) via a ‘Kickstarter Campaign’ to fund his next EP. The new EP (by Patrick’s Band, Patrick McCallion’s Small Words) is to be produced by...