Adam Fligsten is a musician that makes you think as well as feel. And that is at the heart of music. All music. So to hear such a cinematic scope within the confines of an album, an instrumental album at that, really brings joy to me, as a musician, because it shows the emotion behind the notes. Adam does this brilliantly with his new album titled ‘Bloodier’. Within the music of ‘Bloodier’ lies the creativity and ingenuity of a creative mind on the mend. And by ‘on the mend’, I mean on the mend from experiences, people, and everything else in one’s life that can be transcribed and documented with the translation of music, which then becomes a gift, because that gift is given from the artist to the listener so that those tracks become the soundtrack to our lives. This is the sign of a true artist.

‘Bloodier’ is set to be released on May 30th.

About Adam Fligsten
Adam Fligsten has been making electronic music for nearly 20 years. Originally coming from a world of sample-based, electronic music, Adam made a transition to film and video game scoring in about 2009. Since then, he has been primarily focused on scoring video games. In 2018 he scored all of Outreach, in which he used entirely synthesizers from the Soviet Union, and part of Marvel v. Capcom: Infinite. He is currently working on other, unannounced scoring projects.

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Adam’s music exists in the delicate place between synthesizers, resampled sounds, and live instruments. He focuses on finding a unique tone for every project.

SOURCE: Official Bio