Earthset announces their triumphant return to form with their newest project titled ‘L’Uomo Meccanico’. This project is unique in that it is a soundtrack written for ‘L’Uomo Meccanico‘ (translated as ‘The Mechanical Man’), a film about to celebrate its 100th anniversary (embedded below).

Recorded live and mixed by Claudio Adamo, ‘L’Uomo Meccanico’ adds to the essence of the film in ways that may have not been possible a century ago. For one, the advances in music within the last hundred years is astounding. Also, Earthset beautifully retains that sound that I have loved since ‘rEvolution of the Species‘ back in 2015.

But what makes this unique in so many artistic and creative ways is the merger of different worlds through time, which gives both sides of this original coin both credence and respect. You have an interpretation from outside of the scope of the original creators that is done with such tact and class that you have to wonder what the original filmmakers would have thought.

Challenge: Log into Spotify, play the album with the video below on mute played at half-speed.

About Earthset & ‘L’Uomo Meccanico’

Italian alt-rock/psychedelic band Earthset announce the release of “L’Uomo Meccanico”, the soundtrack written for the silent movie “L’Uomo Meccanico” ”(Italy-France 1921).

After their debut album “In a State of Altered Unconsciousness” (2015) and the EP “POPISM” (2017), in 2018 Earthset were assigned the silent film “L’Uomo Meccanico” during the Soundtracks 2018 project, sponsored by Corrado Nuccini (Giardini di Mirò) and Stefano Boni (Museo del cinema di Torino). “L’Uomo Meccanico” is the first sci-fi movie produced in Italy, but the author and main actor of the film are André Deed, one of the first great comedians of French cinema.

The film had been lost for decades until the last copy was found in the Cinemateca Brasileira in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Therefore, “L’Uomo Meccanico” isn’t as well-known as it probably deserves to be: the movie testifies the close relationship between Italy and France in the early ages of cinema; it is also one of the very first silent films to have a robot as a villain and probably the first one in the world to show a fight between a good and an evil mechanical man.

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The reel was partially restored by the Cineteca di Bologna, with only 43 minutes left of the hour and a half of its original length. After that experience, in which Earthset had the chance to work alongside musicians such as Nicola Manzan (Bologna Violenta) and Tiziano Bianchi, “L’Uomo Meccanico – Live Soundtrack tour 2019” started, with the partnership of the Cineteca di Bologna and the support of Bologna UNESCO City of Music.

The live soundtrack appears to be a mix of the band’s more experimental attitude with the melodic research that has always characterized their writing. Earthset translates into music a continuous state of alteration, evolution, and dynamism through a non-linear structural composition, sharp and acid sounds, transitions between heavy distortions and limpid, clean sounds, generally cold psychedelic atmospheres disturbed by noise inserts.

These elements have been emphasized and mixed with melodic solutions taken from the early ‘900 contemporary music, such as whole-tone scales and dodecaphony.

After a long tour in 2019 with the ciné-concert, Earthset is about to release the live soundtrack LP via Dischi Bervisti/Koe Records.