Chloe Trujillo & Rav Medic have today released their new video for the track titled ‘The Heaviest Sound Is Silence’. Social commentary through music can be vivid or vile. Or anything in between. But what Chloe and Rav do is take that social commentary and put it to the angst within the music and the anger between the lines. Forget that this is a metal leaning song. It’s also a rebellion against the state of the system. The feeling behind the times. Where are we headed? What will the next two years be like? Can we do ANYTHING about it? Could the silence be the lack of an answer or the calm before the storm? At least now we have a soundtrack for whatever happens next.

About Chloe Trujillo & Rav Medic

Born in Paris France, Chloe Trujillo has immersed herself in the art/music world from a young age. Her music is infused with anything from rap, metal, gypsy & blues. She first got her Visa through performing in NYC cabarets & musical theatre. From there, she was invited to LA by Gail Zappa to record the Frank Zappa cover ‘The Torture Never Stops’. Chloe is also wife of Robert Trujillo from Metallica/Suicidal Tendencies.

Mark, who is originally from New Zealand, made the move to Australia and started rock outfit Bellusira, who went on to release two notable albums and move to America briefly under management from Will Hunt (Evanescence). The band toured the USAa few times and had Koichi Fukuda from Static-X take over guitar duties. Once that project came to an end, Mark decided to stay in America and continue his musical pursuit. Both parties met in early 2021 when asked to be a part of the Global Green Charity Event held at the Troubadour in LA. 

After connecting online and having a mutual respect for each other’s music, Trujilloand Mark suggested the idea of doing a collaboration. The track ‘Lightning Strikes Twice’ was the outstanding result. The feedback from the single was strong and they both enjoyed working together so much, that they decided to continue to work together under the banner Chloe Trujillo & Rav Medic.
