Greg Jacquin traces his roots and his inspiration to the Hudson Valley. Born in Sleepy Hollow in 1970 to a young single Cuban immigrant who worked as a waitress at Howard Johnson’s, Greg spent much of his early life with his Cuban grandparents and grew up on The Beatles and Cat Stevens. He picked up his stepdad’s guitar as soon as he could hold it and began playing in bands in high school, recording several albums with Know Idea in the early 90s. Years spent having a family and working took him away from music, but after retiring from the police department and facing personal obstacles, songwriting led him back. Greg found new energy for music along the Hudson in the company of the many creative artists who live there.

Returning to music in the past decade with a variety of exceptional bands and while parenting his youngest child, Greg has reemerged as a musician with a new EP “Hudson River” which was released on Feb 9, 2018.

-BK Fischer

SOURCE: Official Bio