For as long as he can remember, Kyle Donovan’s heart has been on his sleeves. It’s gotten him into trouble more than once, but it’s also given him a window into something beautiful, imperfect, and steadfast: the deep, unwavering conviction that we’re more alike than different. Donovan has been honoring that truth, uncovering universal stories through songwriting, crafting tales of everyday life and infusing them with a type of mystery, emotion, and tenderness that is often felt and seldom understood. His new album, which tackles themes of humanity, love, and coming-of-age, is due out on August 30, 2019.

The songs from Donovan’s debut solo album have brought the Colorado troubadour to five major folk festivals and contests in the past year, including Telluride Bluegrass Festival, Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, Kerrville Folk Festival, and award-winning performance at Wildflower Arts and Music Festival. With the help of over two hundred friends and fans, he raised over $20,000 to support the recording and production of the album, which features an array of prominent Front Range artists, including members of Bonnie and the Clydes, Banshe Tree, and Monocle Band. A true DIYer and self-taught sound engineer, Donovan undertook the recording, mixing, and mastering of the album himself over the course of three years, consulting with numerous audio engineers including 2-time Grammy nominee James Tuttle.

SOURCE: Official Bio