Rain in the Sunshine
Rain in the Sunshine

Light Drive’s music is a mix of Swedish pop intertwined with American Electronic music. The sound reflects the two members of Light Drive, writer and singer Linda Kristina and Producer Dennis LaFollette aka Phoenix. Linda Kristina writer and singer of Light Drive grew up in a small town in Sweden. Music was always a big part of her life in different ways. She took piano and violin lessons for many years, but singing was always her passion. She moved to LA to attend Musician Institute where she studied Studio Recording (RIT).

Upon graduating, she worked for Michael Jackson’s musical director. She also did a private performance at Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s celebrity Christmas party. “When I came to the US my plan was to stay here for 6 months, but that is not how things worked out”, says Linda. Good thing because after she started writing music she met Producer Dennis LaFollette, aka. Phoenix.

Phoenix has a degree in music composition and a strong background in production, sound design and writing electronic music. “We immediately clicked as people and quickly realized we like the same kind of music”, Linda says. She called him up one day and asked if he would give production advice on her music and that is how they started working together. “We are a great team and we always strive in the same direction”, says Linda.

All of Light Drive’s songs are recorded in The Rain Studio, which is what Linda calls her studio. “Living in LA, I love rainy days because there are so few”. A little Yorkshire terrier named Spike is always curled on Linda’s lap when she is working. “He loves the studio and wants to be in there all the time. I suppose he is the third member of Light Drive”.

Light Drive’s single Rain In The Sunshine recently hit #8 on iTunes Top Selling List in Sweden. Their first single “So Beyond” was heard by 12.5 million people when it landed on nr. 9 on Al Walsher’s Weekly Top 20. So far the video for So Beyond has gotten over 22,900 views on YouTube. Their song “Rain in the Sunshine” won an Honorary Award from Song of The Year Songwriting competition.

“I am so grateful for everything that has happened so far. Writing music is my passion and I am really excited to see what happens next.” says Linda Kristina.

Bio from lightdrivemusic.com

Light Drive are:
Linda Kristina – Singer, song writer
Dennis LaFollette, aka, Phoenix – Producer
