Party Of The Sin are a Chilean band from Santiago and, to be honest, that is about the extent of my knowledge of them. I spent ages scouring the internet looking for information and there really is not much to find! Is this a band who like to keep themselves to themselves or are they SO new, that even the internet doesn’t know much about them? Whichever is the case, this is a band who should be promoting themselves EVERYWHERE and getting their name out to the many people who have yet to hear about them.

From the very first track, single ‘Explode’ I loved this album, and near on two weeks in my car is a testament to that. Their Facebook page states they are “psychedelic Anglo rock” but this is not something I would necessarily agree with. Why we are still in an age where we must categorize and pigeon-hole music I don’t know, but seeing as we are, I really don’t know where they would be placed on the rock/metal spectrum.

At first, they come across as a rock band, in the vein of Def Leppard or Inglorious or Alterbridge. But after a while, you can also hear a hint of grunge creeping in. I was big into the grunge era in the early ’90s, and I can definitely hear influences from bands such as Pearl Jam, who was one of my favorites. Whether this was done deliberately I don’t know but it seems to work.

This is a band who are full of talent and really should be heard by a lot more people, which is where me and my review come in! If I can turn one more person onto their music, then I have done my job!

The band is made up of four guys and they are shown on their Facebook in the following manner: Crazy Drums – Pablo Stagnaro, Groovy Bass Guitar – Zack Arnstein, Magic Lead Guitar – Fernando Cordero and Emotional Vocals – Gabriel Sara, and I can’t personally think of a better way to describe them! Each one has something unique to bring to the table and together they mix extremely well, almost sounding as if they have been playing together for many years.

The album has a bit of a feel-good vibe to it. In terms of originality, it doesn‘t bring anything new and much of it has, and to coin an over-used phrase, already “been done before!” BUT how many bands these days actually come up with anything totally original. These guys play great music, and they love what they do! They are passionate, ambitious and, above all, they believe in themselves! In this day and age, with too many bands being shot down before they have even started, to see a band who believe in what they can do, and seemingly not giving a stuff what anyone else thinks, is great.

Right from the offset, I was always going to give this album an 8 out of 10. I love the mix of rock songs with the more ballady types (I’ve always been a sucker for a ballad) and there really is not a bad song on the album (again, I know that is probably another over-used cliché.) Stand out songs for me also happen to be the singles released, ‘Another Sun’, ‘Explode’ and my absolute favorite on the album ‘My Head.’

But, after a few run-throughs though, I changed this to a 9 out of 10. I loved it right from the start, but it grew on me a LOT more too, and no doubt, it might have even made its way up to nearly a 10 (and I don’t give those out that often!)

If you have never heard of these guys before, please go out and give this an album a listen. You will not be disappointed!

SOURCE: Official Bio