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Daily Dose: Raw Moans - Just a Touch of LoveRaw Moans is the project of Joseph Vorachack (vocals, arrangement), which also features Michael Thibodeaux (instrumentals, production) on this album release, “Safe Sex”.

Joseph and Michael met after the previous Raw Moans release and bounced ideas back and forth despite living on opposite coasts of the United States, with Joseph living in San Francisco and Michael living in Brooklyn. Over time, those ideas came together and became the Safe Sex album.

Safe Sex is a tribute to musicians and who lived and died from complications due to HIV/AIDS. This is reflected through lyric collages, allusions, and reworkings of songs by musicians, such as Arthur Russell, Klaus Nomi, and Eazy-E, over original instrumentals and melodies. The intent of the album is to bring awareness to the world that HIV/AIDS continues to be an ongoing struggle. In the words of Joseph, “The world is a delicate and beautiful place, our only home. We owe it to ourselves and our future generation to take control. Be cautious! Be proud! MAKE LOVE and please practice safe sex.”

Safe Sex is available to stream for free today HERE.

We’re also planning a vinyl release on our own Baby Snake Media label by the end of the year.

SOURCE: Official Bio