Rise Up
Rise Up

What do you get when two of the realist, talented, and passionate young men from the bay area come together!!! SUCCESS!!!! Gamma Da Kid is a powerful artist with a strong cutting edge style and a message ready to be shared with the world.

Jacob Marshall is an extremely talented musician, composer, and producer!!! When you blend their styles together you get magic! The music is very diverse blending styles of hip-hop, electronic dance music, jazz, funk, tribal indigenous, to name a few with powerful conscious lyrics, the music dissolves categories and barriers making the potential audience HUGE!!!

These fine young men are living their vision to inspire and change lives for the better all around the world!! Music is just one vehicle to help change lives, you can inspire, reach and educate a lot of people through music. Gamma Da Kid is very passionate about community outreach programs and working with the youth. He understands the challenges of urban kids because he has been there!! He uses his own experiences to relate to the kids and show them there are better ways!!!!

Jacob is involved in educating and providing people with sustainable, healthy food and drinks, as well as raising awareness about the importance of renewable energy technologies and preserving the environment! Their vision is to help raise people out of poverty all around the globe through creating jobs and programs from green building, sustainable farming, water purification, and youth outreach centers they are dedicated to bringing solutions to the community. This is our vision to travel around the world and make a difference!

A big piece of the money generated through song/album sales, touring, merchandise sales and films will go to invest in these programs and ultimately our world!

SOURCE: Official Bio
