Small Planets, born in 2015 after attending an inspirational Slowdive show at the Ace Theater in Los Angeles. The vision for Small Planets started to quickly take shape over the next few months eventually finding Jeff Love on guitars, Josh Spincic on bass and Phil Drazic on drums. After an exhausting 2-year search, Jessica Hernandez joined Small Planets for vocals and Ryan Silo took on 2nd guitar duties.

The end result often described as Interpol meets Joy Division with the melodic wonder of The Cure. Small Planets have crafted a sound instantly recognizable while Jessica’s vocals provided a perfect blending of voice to music.

In early 2018, Small Planets met with Josiah Mazzaschi to record and mix while Andy Walter took on Mastering from Abbey Road studios. The self-titled release is due out on all streaming platforms October 18th, 2019 pens a love letter to the post-punk genre which will engage the listener from start to finish.

SOURCE: Official Bio