13254528_598901503611748_5566351969460605827_nThe saying ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ could easily be applied to Manchester’s music scene… So many bands, so much attitude, so much history. Keen to stand apart from their contemporaries, The Jade Assembly are in this for the long haul and for the right reasons, nothing is fabricated or posed, their attitude comes from an inescapable force of conviction in their music.

From the passion of Watson and Danny’s rhythm section to the raw power of Smed’s guitar work, each Jade Assembly tune has a clear sense of purpose, nothing is contrived.

Central to their main point of difference is John Foster (Foz), a true northern poet and songwriter that places honesty above favour, a frontman who possesses an imposing sense of belief, not devoid of arrogance – but full of commitment.

SOURCE: Official Bio
