Undamaged Destiny formed in late 2019, originally forming as a satire band under the name Geazer for the mockumentary ‘Geazer: Montage of Feck’ (2019) , a comedy which followed a young rock band and their rock and roll antics.

The film was created as a college project, with the four members of the band studying Creative Media Production and sharing a mutal love of music. The first half of the film is set in a mockumentary style, following the band and their rock and roll antics, in a similar way to ‘This is Spinal Tap’ (1984).

The second half of the film features a performance recorded on the 14th October 2019. The set begins at 12:20 in the film, being recorded in the television studio at the college. The show was set up entirely by the band, setting up and recording first thing in the morning, with the audience being other students from the course. The band performed three songs for this performance after only one full rehersal as a full band, which were ‘We Die Young’ and ‘Man in the Box’ by Alice in Chains, and a premiere of their first original track, ‘Conceited’, in which the band played an early version of, with some of the lyrics being different and even improvised in some places, and the verse and chorus riffs being swapped.

The performance showed the band in character for the comedy film, with the band entering to the epic piece ‘The Ecstacy of Gold’ and doing a hyped up walk on for the small audience in attendance, and vocalist Tyler Quantrill often exclaiming ‘WE ARE GEAZER!’, making remarks such as ‘Invite her onto the bus’ to guitarist Eoan Smith, after a fan asks for his autograph. It wouldn’t be until a month later, on the 14th November 2019 that the four members would be performing onstage together as their true selves for the first time.

The premiere of the mockumentary evoked a loud reaction from the groups, with a room filled with shock and laughter, those involved felt like it was an overall success.

In the oncoming days and weeks, discussions arose regarding the performance element of the film, and the possibility of continuing as a band, renaming and becoming a genuine and proper band. After multiple conversations on the morning bus to college between vocalist Tyler Quantrill and bassist Jake Cooke, and with guitarist Eoan Smith and drummer Paul Piggott also up to continue as a genuine band, the green light was lit.

After deciding to drop the Geazer name following the mockumentary, the currently unnamed band continued reherasing and writing new material, with plans to debut as the new band at an open mic night at The Prince of Wales pub, in Kettering, UK. On 14th November 2019, the four members of the band attended a Thursday night open mic night at The Prince, to get a feel of the vibe in which they would debut at. Whilst there, the band decided to perform the Alice in Chains covers back to back from the television studio performance, before also deciding to perform a more fine tuned and completed version of ‘Conceited’. The set remained the same as the television studio performance, but this performance, which was essentially a warm up/trial run for the bands proper debut, showed the band as themselves, and hinted at what was to come.

The band decided on the name Undamaged Destiny at the end of November, and set a date for their debut performance, with aims to add another original song into the set as well as a few new covers. However, due to three members of the band suffering with illnesses at different times, the band was forced to push this date back a week, properly debuting as Undamaged Destiny on Thursday 12th December 2019, almost a month after the warm up set, and almost two months from the television studio set. A friend of the band from the media course, Carmen Byland, began Pidgedesigns, creating multiple logos for the band, with the band settling on their two favourites. Using these logos, vocalist Tyler Quantrill created posters for the upcoming show, with the show being announced on the 7th December.

Undamaged Destiny’s debut performance was on the 12th December 2019, following minimal rehersal due to illness, and bassist Jake Cooke was still suffering with illness during the performance. The Prince of Wales was filled with family and friends of the band, easily doubling the attendence of the previous performance. The band performed the same three songs as the previous shows, and premiered a new original track, titled ‘Clipped Wings’, a much darker and melancholic track than the catchy hooks of ‘Conceited’, which recieved a great singalong in the chorus from college friends in attendance, who had also attended the television studio performance and heard the track. A cover of ‘Sin City’ by AC/DC was also added to a set, alongside the closing track of the set, a cover of the Limp Bizkit track ‘Take A Look Around’, which even receieved a response from Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst on Instagram.

The set was streamed in full on Facebook and all of the footage we recieved from the auidience was uploaded to our Instagram. The set recieved a great reaction and was an overall success, riding high from the debut performance, the band took some time off over Christmas.

In the new year, Undamaged Destiny began writing new material, focusing greatly on writing new songs. Despite being quiet on social media whilst writing, the band live streamed a performance of a new track on their Instagram, entitled ‘Evelyn’.

As of April 2020, Undamaged Destiny have released their debut single ‘Conceited’ and their second single ‘Evelyn’, and are excited for the future.

SOURCE: Official Bio
