I could start this off with the obligatory “This is why Cleveland rocks!”, but that is so played out for so many obvious reasons. Of course, the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame is in Cleveland. But that is not why it rocks. F*ck the RNRHOF, IMHO. The reason Cleveland rocks is because of a thriving and diverse music scene. It’s indie, not local. Case in point is Envoi. Besides having a perfectly spelled and well-branded name, Envoi is also a band that thinks while they write. Another case in point is their new single titled ‘The Seas’.

‘The Seas’ is an instrumentally tight and sonically driven power anthem to the young at heart by a band of musicians that not only play together but experience together. Add the super slick production and layers upon layers of audio goodness and you have 3:46 of glorious guitar chunk and bass bombs enough to satisfy any set of eardrums. Please listen to this on a good sound system. It deserves it.

Get your copy HERE.

About Envoi
Envoi (en-voy), a modern pop-rock trio hailing from the rock n’ roll capital of the world, proves to be a rising act in the modern music industry. Starting locally, the band has quickly become a hometown favorite with anthems like “Ghost” and “What Happened In Wyoming”. Starting out by playing house shows and smaller club venues to rocking House of Blues stages, their die-hard following has drastically increased.

twitter25@Envoi_Official [rotatingtweets screen_name=’Envoi_Official’]

After releasing videos for “Ghost” and “Changes,” you immediately see the deep, and well thought out storylines that dive deep into prominent social issues that affect the lives of many. Both directed by Stephen Mlnarcik, the videos received applaud from the highest of online blogs and music publications such as Alternative Press, Substream Music Press, AbsolutePunk and many more.

The band is full of a variety of personalities and a range of influences that have honed and developed this exciting sound they’re producing. Though their recordings are amazing in their own right, Envoi’s reputation is built on their intense, personal live shows.

SOURCE: Official Bio
