VEIN’s first LP was called ” PUNK IN A HEAVY METAL WORLD. ” Songs off that LP worth mentioning ” KILL FOR THRILL ” was written after I watched a riot on the national mall in Washington DC that took place on Martin Luther King day. The song is about that racial violence I saw that day which seems to be even more evident today. ” HAVE A NICE DAY ” written about deteriorating environmental conditions caused by the mankinds quest for terrestrial imbalancement. The song ” PUNK IN A HEAVY METAL WORLD ” was our insanity prayer for the salvation of the human race. Now you know why we called it ” PUNK IN A HEAVY METAL WORLD.”

VEIN’s second LP was called “SIN CITY ANGEL ” because I have a thing about angels and sin. Part of this LP was from a live show where we played a few great songs ” AROUND AGAIN ” ‘SLIPPIN AWAY ” and ” PARK BENCH ” all worth hearing that never got recorded in a studio.

VEIN’s third LP ” RAVEN’S EYE ” includes the songs in this submission plus others that are not meant to be played on the radio. Pray for rock n roll today!!

SOURCE: Official Bio