Jake Merritt is an absolute genius on the guitar. I know that is an odd way to start a review but after one listen to his new single titled ‘Opting Out’ I think you will agree. The track itself is a subtle canvas for the heartfelt lyrics with a solid beat and a beautiful rhythm and chord progression. Simply marvelous.

About Jake Merritt
Atlanta, Georgia musician Jake Merritt might be one of the most genuine artists you’d ever come across. Light and unassuming he explains his music very matter-of-factly, “I would like people to know that I made this album for me because I had to.”

A guitar virtuoso, pure songwriter and innovative producer Merritt are proud to unveil his progressive brand of alternative rock. With experimental songwriting and moody overtones, Jake aims at a critique of the human experience in what he calls, “the age of disinformation.”

There’s a deep longing in Merritt’s music. Once you dig below the surface, complex themes and energies reveal themselves, rewarding the exploratory listener.

“Opting Out” is the first single from Jake Merritt. 2019 proves to be a ground-breaking year for Jake as he plans to release his debut full-length in the coming months.
