1. Ballet Kabüki 3:41

Kabüki has today released their new single titled ‘Ballet’. At that first listen, you can easily hear that Kabüki has found their sound. But what you hear as you go along, is that sweet melody immersed in dirty grit and harmony. There is almost a duality to the music of Kabüki in that, while we hear the almost virtuosic nature of the music itself, there is a dark personality. An almost ‘madness behind the music’, if you will. Lets face it; these fuckers are twisted. And its brilliant. Not afraid to take risks with their music. There is anthem in the anarchy. Its there if you listen. Just don’t be one of those who let a gem like this play in the background while you talk about who was on American Idol last night 😉 .

About Kabüki

Kabüki is a new rock band based in London, UK, that blends the visual style of Asian art with the musical influence of Western punk and hard rock.

Founded in 2021 they’ve released four singles and two music videos to date, with another two songs due for release in Winter 2021/22, and a full album in 2022. Kabüki focuses on playing energetic and upbeat music that has it’s roots in rock but with a new, modern style.

Kabüki played their first ever show, debuting three new singles at ‘Camden Rocks Presents’ in October 2021, drawing the largest crowd of the day as the first band on stage.
