1. Rydo & Julianne Petty Cassettes 4:22

Petty Cassettes have released their new single titled ‘Rydo & Julliane’. A modern take on an old tale, modern twits incur for modern times and show the disjointed way things are as, possibly, the result of the advancement of modern technology combined with the obligatory ’15 minutes’ of fame that social media entrusts in us all. Abuse is all too much the norm in this ‘modern’ era and, coupled with victim shaming and the ‘but he’s so quiet’ assumptions, an anthem isn’t just needed, it’s deserved.

“This modern day twist on an iconic love story unfortunately depicts the all too true reality of some young couples who have fallen in ‘love’. In this case Julianne ( Juliet ) has entered into an abusive relationship with Rydo ( Romeo) and is fighting at all cost to escape. This topic hits too close to home for far too many people , the band included, so we hope this song and the lyrics gets to those who need it the most and they find the strength to escape their nightmare.”
Petty Cassettes

About Petty Cassettes

Petty Cassettes are a true Scottish rock band. Their songs vary from energetic tunes to mellow ballads. Neck deep in their origins they are the soundtrack of choice for any party night. Influenced by different genres the result is an explosive mix of upbeat-indie-rock with many different shades. A song for every occasion especially for the ones that require a pint and a loud, dancing crowd. Recent single Sensitive Boy received encouraging feedback and radio play and new single Rydo & Julianne is already being picked up by radio stations across the country. They will be supporting Hipsway alongside at Ceilidhfest in November.
