Resurrection Fern is one of the many new and up and coming artists promoting their music on Twitch, which is a brilliant idea considering the white noise that Youtube and Spotify have become. She has done this to the point to where is a Twitch partner, and not just for her social media skills. Take ‘Savanna’, her new single. This track is brilliant and beautiful with the glow of a talented and original songwriter who knows how to express herself musically. ‘Savanna’ is heartfelt because it is from the heart, not a song merely written for listens, but from experience.

“This track means more to me than anything I’ve released before. Partially, because the songwriter is a close friend and I am humbled he entrusted me to share his art with the world. This is also the first time I’ve felt more personally connected to a song written by someone else than I am with my originals. Since I know the inspiration behind the song, and I love my friend very much, I have a larger cause than just myself in sharing it with the world.”
– Fern

About Resurrection Fern
Resurrection Fern is part of the new movement of pioneering musicians that have taken their live performances beyond the small reach of bars and cafes and into the laptops, televisions, and mobile phones of fans all over the world. The recent ubiquity of live online streaming platforms like has made this possible.

For the past 3 years Fern’s Twitch channel has been at the forefront of this new wave of online artistic expression. Hundreds of fans tune in multiple times per week to not only watch Fern share her live musical performances but to be a part of her daily experience as an independent singer-songwriter. The platform offered by allows Fern an intimacy with her audience that is lacking from traditional live performances. Utilizing her channel’s live chat function Fern directly engages with her audience throughout every single performance. Fern fields questions, shares stories, and simply enjoys the company of her community, the “FernFam”.

See Fern live on her Twitch channel and experience what it’s like to be a part of this welcoming and positive community.

In October of 2018, Fern released her community-funded, debut album, “Beyond the Trees”. The album is available on all prominent digital platforms.

Fern recently completed recording her second community-funded album at the renowned Station West studio in Nashville. You can expect this release very shortly.

SOURCE: Official Bio