In true revolutionary fashion with all the decadence that entails, Vile Assembly have returned triumphantly with a new track titled ‘Division of Labour’. We live in a divisive time. In a land of bitter butthurt sprinkled with an under-the-thumb attitude, it is overtly refreshing to hear a band single-handedly point that out to the masses. Let’s hope the masses respond.

About Vile Assembly
The Vile Assembly is a band for our times; powerful, original and unafraid to tackle social and political injustice. Each song is a statement of intent, a rallying cry and a vital voice of reason in a world run on greed, fear, and control.

The band was formed by three lifelong friends Paul Mason, Mark Webb, and Mark Wainwright. The trio had owned a music studio in Liverpool for two decades but had never contemplated making music of their own until a lively conversation about world issues led them to the realization that they not only had something important to say, they had the creativity necessary to ensure their message would be listened to.

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The Vile Assembly’s unique musical style soon found a receptive audience. Referencing Punk and New Wave, their inspiration comes from a wide range of sources and a wealth of life experience. Word of mouth fuelled the band’s journey from their studio to playing live on the rooftop of Liverpool’s Shankly Hotel against the backdrop of the city’s iconic skyline, delivering their songs to an audience of appreciative music fans inspired by their insightful and essential take on the society we live in. Local radio stations started to take notice and national airplay soon followed with support from BBC 6 Music and a range of American radio stations.

Debut single ‘Suicide Feast’ is a song about the increase in poverty and homelessness, and how the banking and political system, one and the same, use their power to create mass poverty, which increases mass wealth for 1% of the population. “This is a Suicide Feast in a canteen dream, A hidden holocaust.” The accompanying video is currently nudging 60,000 views, watch it below:

The Vile Assembly’s ethos is searing in its simplicity – “Human devolution, homelessness, corruption, mental illness, corporate criminals, fear rearing religion. By highlighting these issues it gives hope that we can collectively join hands and search for the main things that matter to humans: LOVE PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING!”

SOURCE: Official Bio