Boyracer has premiered their new video for the track titled ‘Spoils’, from their upcoming album titled ‘Assuaged’, releasing next month. Perfect for the summer and rife with post-punk indie sentiment and underground goodness, this track gives me the smiles in more ways than one. Having been a lifelong fan of the vintage underground scenes, this reminds me instantly of those glory days of 120 Minutes on MTV with the modern touch and swing of what is called Boyracer. Bravo!

About ‘Spoils’

‘I’ve had some interesting jobs over the years, cowboy, fishmonger, picture framer, now Assistant manager at a kick ass record store. All of which have enabled my desire to make music. There has been very little financial reward along the way, and I’m still ploughing my wages into running a record label. Like so many indie-punk lifers in my position, I take solace in the fact I’ve managed to see and do things many others my age haven’t. ‘Spoils’ is all about perspective, my own, and everyone else’s. Its about owning the choices we made. Now I’m my late 40s. I look back and see there was always a compromise. But I’m glad I never became an accountant. And I’m glad I pushed myself to pursue creative endeavors over financial stability.’

About Boyracer

On the 14th studio full length “Assuaged”, Boyacer mainstay Stewart Anderson has hit the jackpot, with 14 concise genre defining crashpop gems. Building on the critical acclaim of 2020s fan favourite,”On A Promise”, Anderson is again aided and abetted by the simpatico talents of Christina Riley, (Artsick / Burnt Palms) and the melodic talent of Sarah Records / Slumberland Records-era member Matty Green (Tall Boy / Declining Winter).

Stewart’s vocals are vitriolic and pointed, meshing perfectly with Christina’s. Ms. Riley handles the lead guitar for most of the album, ensuring a new direction on a well loved path. Mattys presence assures the pop element shines through the trademark squalling feedback bursts.

Reflective and urgent, “Assuaged” offers many highlights. The instant rush of “Tommy McNeil” is a paean to the delightful confusions of a first crush. “40 Hours” is the autobiographical recollections of Stewart’s disdain at working at a “national health food chain” during Covid. “Spoils” champions art over fiscal rewards, whilst “Digital Friends” questions how many Facebook friends we really need.

At 36 minutes long, “Assuaged” contains all the classic and loved elements of Boyracer, distilled into a rush of euphoric Indie Punk songwriting mastery.