Diamond Shake continues his journey of music and discovery with his latest video titled ‘The Only Lead’. The sixth in a series of videos in collaboration with artist and animator Dominique Bloink, we find a more subdued, reflective, and introspective path in which Diamond Shake (a.k.a. Matthew Hitchens) takes his already signature sound and somewhat downcasts the hook and delivers a poignant and beautiful song that could be a music muse for the introvert.

In my opinion, this further shows that Matthew deserves every accolade he gets with his music and craft because he not only earned it. He lives it.

Check out our other features with Diamond Shake HERE.

About Diamond Shake

As discussions on mental health, addiction, and immigration in America gain more prominent, nuanced coverage on cable news, Diamond Shake mastermind Matthew Hitchens has lived at the epicenter of all three hot button issues for the past fifteen years.

Growing up in London and playing in bands through his teens, Hitchens moved to Los Angeles seven years ago to pursue a solo music career. After a few failed projects, missed auditions, personal struggles, and a particularly bad visa experience, he decided to stop relying on other people and make the album that faced his demons head on.

From Method To Madness arrived with bluesy aplomb late last year, balancing Hitchens’ most candid lyrics to date about mental health with dazzling visual accompaniment for all ten songs by French animator Dominique Bloink.

Their latest, November’s “The Only Lead,” is both one of the oldest songs on the record and one of its most topical about immigration struggles. “I wrote the first version of ‘The Only Lead’ when I was 17 and had gone through maybe 20 or 30 different versions over the following 18 years,” says Hitchens.

Three years ago, he found a new life for the song amidst an uncertain point in his own life. “I was trying to make an album on my own while also trying to qualify for a visa to stay in the US, and I had no idea how I was going to get either of them done… I thought ‘no one is going to do it for me so just keep going and something will come out of it,’ and that was the inspiration for the lyrics.”

“The Only Lead” marks the sixth video in the visual series, which will continue throughout 2021.
