Those Fantastic Things have dropped their new video for the track titled ‘Don’t Feel’. Paul Donnelly, frontman for Those Fantastic Things, gives a personal reflection on a situation and stays rooted in the realism of said situation; something more of us should do in this day and age. Musically, this is a brilliant retro-styled electro-magical song that is one consistent hook with that pop sensibility that is somewhat lacking today. The instruments become symbiont with the vocals and come together to deliver the message in a way that captures the ears and stimulates the mind.

About ‘Don’t Feel’

Packed with John Carpenter-esque synths, razor-sharp drum beats and jangly guitar hooks, Don’t Feel offers a high energy anthem that leaves you wanting more.

Don’t Feel “is about someone close to me going to a psychic, coming back, and telling me all kinds of nonsense I didn’t want to hear. They thought they were helping but couldn’t have been further from it – the future they talked about trapped me” says Paul Donnelly, the man behind ‘Those Fantastic Things.’

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Clocking in at 2.46, Don’t Feel doesn’t drop its energy from the moment the drums kick in until the closing beat, keeping your attention until the closing note. The single epitomizes the pop ethic which is reflected throughout the whole album…this is just the beginning for Those Fantastic Things.